Improve your IT Architecture by Building a Dyson Sphere

Paul Kerrison
7 min readMay 28, 2021

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” — George Bernard Shaw

At the weekend, I went camping.

Was it cold? Yes

Was it wet? Yes, very

Was it windy? Yeah (and not just because of my 7 year old sleeping “buddy”)

Did it involve waking up early? Oh yes

Did it involve “wild wees”? Obvs

Did I fall off a deck in the pitch black and hurt my leg causing me to have a hobble ever since? Yep

Was it aceballs on toast with a cherry on top? It most certainly was!

Getting out was sooooo good, none of us cared about the weather or the fact that we were 20 minutes from home (a tactical play). A fire, a few beers (definitely not linked to the deck falling incident), a good group of people and some fresh air were all we needed to recharge the soul and lift everyone’s spirits.

As an added bonus, I got to see something, that surprised, amazed and awed me…It’s really not that often that that happens (at least not that I’d admit).

We were sitting round the fire and one of the Dads remarked how clear the sky was. We all looked up and everyone went quiet for a bit…

